Our First Saturday PIE (Poetry is Everything) Workshop and Reading continues September 2nd with Judith Skillman and Nicole Renee La Follette -- BookTree Sat. Sep. 2nd 4:24 pm to 8:14 pm Share this or the Facebook Event Page with others!
Free Writing Workshop 4:24 pm to 6 pm
Judith will lead a workshop and discussion regarding Assembling a chapbook or book-length manuscript for publication. How do you go about discovering themes, images? What about structure? And much more
How do you go about discovering your themes, dominant metaphors and images in the service of enlarging your oeuvre from a few poems to a manuscript?
Learn also more about Ars Poetica and there will be a prompt to do some writing too. (A pre-workshop prompt is just below from Judith)
Reading and Open Mic 6:15 pm to 8:14 pm Featured Readers Judith Skillman and Nicole Renee La Follette followed by an Open Mic - bring a poem or two short ones to read to those who gather.
A Poetry Prompt from Judith Skillman :
You Have Been Forbidden to Write
For this exercise, imagine that either the state, the government, the secret service, special forces, FBI, or CIA has expressly forbidden you to write on penalty of going to prison.
Or you are in solitary confinement and have not got anything to write with, not even a bit of charcoal or soap. You may need to use your own blood.
What is it you would give your life to write? This is your last chance. It’s midnight. At dawn you face the firing squad.
For the faint of heart: A relative close to you has asked you not to write about them. You are in a comfy chair at Starbucks with a Mocha Latte or Strawberry Acai, your favorite pen, and notebook paper. Write to or about this relative.
Judith Skillman is an ardent cat lover, whose recent book is Subterranean Address, Deerbrook Editions. Her work has appeared in Cimarron Review, Shenandoah, Zyzzyva, and many other literary jjournals and anthologies. She won the Floating Bridge Chapbook contest in 2021 with Oscar the Misanthropist. Awards include an Eric Mathieu King Fund grant from the Academy of American Poets. Skillman has done collaborative translations from French. Visit www.judithskillman.com
Nicole Renee La Follette is a third-generation immigrant poet of Seattle, who has been writing since she was shorter. She was born into Seattle’s rains, raised with the scents of eucalyptus trees in Marin County, California. She has a bachelor of arts in languages and philosophy from Evergreen State College where she dipped her toes into poetics. Nicole is a dog-mother, yogi, gardener, and world traveler, sniffing out open mics when sauntering the globe. Nicole currently lives in Kirkland, Washington. Unique Like Everyone is her first published collection of poetry. Enjoy!